I turned 24 in April. (It hasn't sunk in, mainly because I had a lockdown birthday so I forgot it even happened!)
I have decided to compile a list of 25 things I want to achieve before I reach a quarter of century...
1. Start blog! Woo hoo, nailing this so far!
2. Get back to learning French and Spanish.
3. Get back into reading! (audio books / physical books) I LOVE reading but I feel like I struggle for time! I used to read loads on buses and trains, and since learning to drive (one of the best thing I've done) I now need to make time for reading and I'm terrible at relaxing!
4. Finish French Harry Potter book 1
5. Finish paintings! Over lockdown I started some paintings of some of my favourite holiday snaps and I really want to get them finished!
6. Buy house!

7. Do up house! I plan do sort my studio first so I can…
8. Restart my business properly!!! And start to offer more products

9. Become more minimal and organised
10. Visit friends in London and do cool things!
11. Trips with Beth
12. Visit Bristol pals
13. Reunite with uni pals
14. Anniversary London trip - We had a London trip booked for my birthday- going to the Globe and The Brig! This was unfortunately cancelled, but we got everything exchanged for vouchers so we are hoping to go now for our anniversary and also go to Dans le noir?

15. Travel abroad?? Absolutely adore travelling however not sure how possible this will be before April but we will see!

16. Try more vegan recipes
17. Host a dinner party
18. Cut down on caffeine!

19. Get better at make up, skincare and hair
20. Keep up fitness routine, get stronger, Do 30 push ups at once
21. Play the ukulele and guitar more
22. Have family visit and stay at our place
23. Make handmade presents for family
24. A boring one but sort out a pension and savings
25. Plan a lovely birthday party!
Stunning photos by Beth Nash @ bethnashdesign.com
Little doodles by moi.
My own photos are Instagram embedded.