I cannot believe how happy and positive September me was about the world. I re-read my "25 before 25" and I had totally forgotten that in August (when I wrote it) things were looking up, and seemed like we were approaching normal and I could make these plans and goals. Looking back now a lot of them are impossible. That said I would like to look back over these goals and see how I am doing. LOL
1. Start a blog
Yep I started it - wrote lots of posts in quick succession and it’s been a while since . Oops. I'll be better.
2. Get back to learning French and Spanish
I’m trying! I’ve deleted Facebook from my phone and I’m saving so much time scrolling so I can do languages with my morning coffee instead of mindless scrolling . I can’t quite bring myself to remove Instagram though 😉
3. Get back to reading
Hmm I still terrible at taking time to relax. I’ve read some cleaning books but no “fun” ones yet. I have just downloaded Audible, which I'm excited about
4. Finish French Harry Potter Book 1
🌝 I read one chapter in the bath the other night!
5. Finish paintings
YES they are so almost finished - going to finish this month or next so definitely before 25!!
6. Buy house!
7. Begin doing up house
Doing it!
check out my progress on instagram @partlett.home
8. Restart business
Well... I’ve done a few more commissions since writing, but unfortunately I didn’t plan for another long lockdown so I’m now moving this goal to before the end of 2021… I want to change direction slightly and become more of a made to measure clothing brand
9. Become more minimal and organised
I think Rob would disagree but I think I’ve done amazingly. I’ve cleared out soooo much stuff
10. Visit friends in London - HAHAHA
11. Trips with Beth - HAHAHAHA
12. Visit Bristol pals - Ahahahahahaha
13. Reunite with uni pals - HAHAHAHAHA
14. Anniversary in London
Rescheduled for October 🤞🏼 (Not feeling confident..)
15. Travel abroad ??
I always knew this was unlikely and yep, absolutely not. Hopefully we can save this year and then as soon as it's safe go away we can have a super hol!
16. Try more vegan recipes
I am absolutely smashing this! In fact, my New Years resolution is to try a new recipe every week
17. Host a dinner party
I still dream of this. I can’t wait
18. Cut down on caffeine
Hmm I’ve cut down very slightly but I’m not fully off it…
19. Get better at make up, skincare and hair
I’ve got a skin care routine that I’ve been sticking to since October and my skin is much improved. Still haven’t experimented with make up too much yet!
20. Fitness
Been sticking to it and definitely getting stronger. I can do 30 push ups on my knees now but working to get there on my toes
21. Play uke and guitar
Some how I haven’t managed to make time for this yet!
22. Have family visit
As soon as it’s allowed it will be happening .
23. Handmade presents
24. Sort savings and pension
This is definitely something I can do despite lockdown!
25. Plan Birthday!
HMMM. It’s feeling very unlikely now that this is happening.. I will still have a delayed party! Maybe even two to make up for last year!